Agm L96 Awp Airsoft Sniper Rifle Review

  1. Mb4401 L96 Airsoft Sniper Rifle
  • The overall simple design of this bolt action sniper rifle makes for a quick & easy disassembly, using the provided Allen keys, for general maintenance or repairs. Whether you are taking out your enemies one by one or just like to shoot soda cans in the backyard, the new L96 AWP Bolt Action Airsoft Sniper Rifle from Well is sure to suffice.
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Agm L96 Awp Airsoft Sniper Rifle ReviewAgm

Mb4401 L96 Airsoft Sniper Rifle

Warranty Fill the role of sniper for your team with the new L96 AWP Bolt Action Rifle from AGM. This is a heavyweight replica constructed from a rugged polymer receiver and full metal barrel assembly, easily withstanding the hardships of airsoft warfare.